June 1st, 2007
News Release
Source: The Chicagoland Vibary Network
Contact with Hidden E-mails
Buffalo Grove, IL -- The Chicagoland Vibary Network (chi.vibary.net) announces a new enhancement to its local listing services. Starting June 1st, 2007, self-created listings from local businesses -- including yellow page directory pages, coupons and promotions, calendar events, classified ads and job posts, will have the contact e-mails hidden from public view.
In their place, there will be links to a "Contact Us" online form. The user form submission will be augmented with Vibary information to identify the corresponding listings, and then forwarded to the listing businesses via e-mail.
"Offering this enhancement," said Tim Nguyen, the manager of the Chicagoland Vibary Network, "is our commitment to serve the local business community. With the prevalence of e-mail gathering bots for spamming, it is not recommended to display visible e-mails any more. This enhancement also goes beyond purely forwarding e-mails."
The added feature is a summary log of all contacts made via the "Contact Us" online form. This User Contacts log allows a business member to review at any time the contact events from the past three months and their associated listings.
Currently registered businesses are invited to sign in to the Chicagoland Vibary Network for Business (the Vibase site at chi.vibase.net). create FREE or low-cost listings, and try out the "Contact Us" links. The User Contacts log is available under the VIP Membership section.
Non-member local businesses are also invited to the Vibase site to sign up.
About the Chicagoland Vibary Network:
The Chicagoland Vibary Network is a local search and listings web portal serving Chicagoland neighborhoods. It hosts municipal or community Vibary sites throughout the metropolitan area. The purpose of the Vibary Network is to help local consumers and local businesses find one another through online technologies. The Vibary Network is a service of Viba Fima, inc..
About Viba Fima, inc:
The Vibary Network is a service of Viba Fima, inc., The Local Company™
The company was established in 1997 as a consulting firm. Over the years, the company
has been reducing its consulting work to concentrate in developing and marketing
the Vibary Network.